Elon Musk on X Wants America to Realize Change!! via Trump.!!

August 14, 2024 Nasional , Politik

written by: Suherman Aninsyah

Global daily one : The conversation that recorded the record for the most views in the world was because it was watched by 998 million user accounts on X.

account review on x a few hours later there was a lot of controversy, from several verified accounts. he was free to comment and express his opinion on X

Those who disagree with Trump’s statement expressed their criticism that during Trump’s tenure as president of the United States, there have been many domestic decisions and international political policies that were seen as failures. One of them was to end the conflict and massacre of children in Gaza in 2017.

One of the references conveyed to Trump by X was the 2017 incident, in his statement he said that Trump failed to prevent a power outage in Gaza by Israel which only supplied electricity to many hospitals and other public facilities for only 3 hours out of 24 hours a day and night.

The blackout has affected the ability of the artificial respiration pumps for many toddlers in the hospital who are being treated by various ethnic and religious groups, not only the Muslim population but also many of those who have failed to survive are from the Catholic Christian group.

why is it getting crazier after Trump’s visit in May 2017, they justify the blood of innocent children, the UN can only be a spectator and they bring down Trump’s CHARACTER, smoothly giving the world an understanding that Trump seems to be the mastermind behind all the riots and hidden massacres they have committed.

Their black tactical politics escaped the spotlight of the media and humanitarian activists, because the two major social media Facebook and Instagram deleted some of the content that had been uploaded immediately, even those in the West Bank, Central Gaza Strip, and parts of Jerusalem can no longer access the Internet because the ELECTRICITY IS TOTALLY OFF.

if they hate Muslims who are considered terrorists, why should tens of thousands of Catholic Christian children have to leave a name?, this is God’s miracle finally 2019 idf Left Wing formation kidnapped children freely and very delirious once this happened during the transition of the TRUMP and Biden political era. until now more than 700 children who know where the jungle is …?. do we still reject HAMAS?. HISBULLAH? AND HOUTHI? .. while they depart from self-awareness that we are humans who must treat others humanely.

At this time God has saved Trump from various disasters, so that I as a writer and all of us can be aware that one life and the future of children is the future of all of us.

It is very true that America must have an iron Drone like Israel because it is an effort to prevent the safety of the American people who love humanity, it is very questionable for us !! Israel is able to build a Special Economy because of its intelligence in mastering the WHITE HOUSE Bureaucracy ..! so it is natural that it is more capable than the US to create technology like the Iron Drone.

as a reader you will judge that this media is on Trump’s side, then I as the writer who is fully responsible for this article, will answer honestly, ABSOLUTELY TRUE.. because this is the Reality,. what I wrote is real..! not a propaganda game,. you need to know that Trump has put Humanitarian Interests Above political interests and his parliament which may have been infiltrated by many things that stopped his Noble Mission. we as readers and I as the writer do not Wonder Why Tamgan Tiuhan became TRUMP’s Savior.

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